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  • The OpenAI lawsuit gets even more interesting…⚖

The OpenAI lawsuit gets even more interesting…⚖

Plus: Is Claude 3 the most powerful chatbot now? 👑

Hey there, tech aficionados!

The tech realm is currently navigating through a whirlwind of AI excitement and skepticism. AI's promise had us all dreaming big, with Adobe making bold moves with its AI-powered Firefly suite, sending its stocks flying high.

But then, OpenAI introduced Sora, challenging Adobe's reign and causing a dramatic tumble in its market value.

As we edge closer to Adobe's Q1 earnings reveal, the anticipation is palpable.

So, let's dive into the heart of today's tech drama. Fasten your seatbelts—it's going to be an intriguing ride!

OpenAI’s response to Elon Musk lawsuit.

In a surprising turn of events, OpenAI has fired back at Elon Musk's claims about their mission and relationship. 

The non-profit AI research company has unleashed a barrage of emails, shedding light on their ambitious plans to build safe and beneficial AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) for the greater good of humanity.

According to OpenAI, Elon initially promised a whopping $1 billion to fund their mission of developing safe and beneficial AGI. However, as the team realized the astronomical computing resources required, Elon wanted to merge OpenAI with Tesla or gain full control. 

When OpenAI refused, citing the need for decentralized control, Elon left the OpenAI in 2018, calling their chances of success "zero." and vowing to build his own AGI competitor within Tesla. 

The breakup didn't stop there. Elon allegedly suggested OpenAI should "attach to Tesla as its cash cow," while OpenAI maintained its commitment to open and widely available AI tools.

Despite the drama, OpenAI remains focused on its mission, deploying powerful AI systems to empower individuals worldwide. From preserving languages to simplifying medical forms, their tools are making a real impact. And who knows, maybe one day they'll prove Elon wrong and achieve AGI success.

P.S. OpenAI signs open letter to build AI responsibly just days after Elon Musk sued the company for putting profit ahead of people.

Is Claude 3 the most powerful chatbot now? 👑

You've heard of the AI chatbot war heating up between tech giants, but there’s a fresh challenger - Anthropic, the AI startup backed by Google and their shiny new Claude 3 AI. 

The company claims Claude 3 outperforms OpenAI's GPT-4 on certain benchmarks.

So what makes Claude 3 so special? 

  • Claude 3 is a family of multimodal AI models - Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Opus (the most powerful).

  • Claude can not only juggle text, but it can also analyze images, charts, diagrams - you name it! 

  • A unique capability is analyzing up to 20 images in a single request to compare and contrast them.

However, Claude 3 cannot identify specific individuals in images and struggles with low-quality images and tasks involving spatial reasoning or object counting. It also cannot generate artwork (yet), only analyze existing images.

You can try Claude here.

🚨Update: Now you can just select a portion of text in Gemini’s AI to make it more precise.

In Gemini’s latest update, you can fine-tune and edit the snippets you don’t like from the response directly on the chatbox instead of reinventing the entire wheel. 

We’re launching a more precise way for you to tune Gemini’s responses. Starting in English in the Gemini web app, just select the portion of text you want to change, give Gemini some instruction, and get an output that’s closer to what you are looking for.”

💣Latest AI hits you can’t miss:

  • New AI app tackles ear infection diagnosis (link)

  • U.S Army explores GPT-4 as a battle adviser (link)

  • Meta plans launch of new AI language model Llama 3 in July. (link)

  • MIT Scientist Raises $53 Million to Deploy AI for Dentists. (link)

  • Princeton, DARPA Partner On AI-Accelerating Chips (link)

  • Donald Trump supporters have been creating and sharing AI-generated fake images of black voters to encourage African Americans to vote Republican. (link)

  • MIT spinout DataCebo helps companies improve software testing by creating synthetic data that mimics the real thing. (link)

  • India reverses AI stance, requires government approval for model launches (link)

AI art to sip your coffee with…


*a full body shot of an adorable black cat vampire with bat wings

Isn’t she the cutest? 🤗

🕑 It’s time for the latest AI tools:

  • Stability AI’s 3D object generator: Stability AI just partnered with Tripo AI to release TripoSR, a new state-of-the-art model that generates near-instant, high-quality 3D objects from a single image.

  • Spellbook: Draft contracts 3x faster with AI-powered Spellbook and GPT-3.

  • Videomaker by InVideo AI: Turn brief ideas into engaging, AI-generated videos for any platform, quickly and easily.

That’s all for today! Meet us next Monday and let us know what AI tool are you using the most.